Is bodybuilding healthy, and do bodybuilders live a long life?

In exploring whether bodybuilding is healthy and if bodybuilders live a long life, it's clear that the answer isn't black and white. Bodybuilding, when done in moderation, can greatly improve one's health by strengthening muscles, improving cardiovascular fitness, and promoting a balanced diet. However, extreme levels of bodybuilding can lead to strain on the heart and other organs, and the use of performance-enhancing drugs can have serious health implications. Ultimately, the longevity of a bodybuilder's life is influenced by their approach to the sport and their commitment to overall wellness. It's a lifestyle that requires careful consideration and balance.

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Kieran Blackwood, Jul, 27 2023

How much cardio is required per week when bodybuilding?

As a bodybuilder, I've found that incorporating cardio into my routine is essential for heart health and improved endurance. Experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate cardio or 75 minutes of high-intensity cardio per week. However, it's important to balance cardio with strength training to build and maintain muscle mass. I typically divide my cardio sessions throughout the week to avoid muscle fatigue and ensure optimal recovery. Remember, it's all about finding a routine that works best for your bodybuilding goals.

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Kieran Blackwood, Jul, 19 2023